Acreau Times (August #3)

Tahis Low
4 min readAug 29, 2019

Reporting the news of Acreau

Senators look to allow ‘Limboing’

An Executive Order from President Flerpus to remove limboing has had only one supporter in the Senate, with 2 votes against. The Executive Order declares that a passed bill must be signed by the President within 48 Hours of its passing; If unsigned it is vetoed. An exemption was made to the Kindness Bill in the order. Senator KingJulien has elaborated on his no vote with the following.

Senator Julien’s explanation

Senate Speaker Blackbird58’s explanation for his no vote is even more confusing.

Speaker Blackbird’s reasoning

With 3 votes in a 7/8 member Senate, the Acreau Times hopes for a more active Senate participating in such votes.

Three Cases put forward in Three Minutes After DGMP Leader promoted to the Senate by VP

The initial charges all brought to court within 3 minutes

Three Cases has been brought to the Judiciary in light of Vice President Mewarmy’s appointment of Dark-Grey Merchandise Party leader Glaad1234 to the Senate.

Apparent Corruption

Senator Julien has argued that the appointment of Senators must be done at the start of each month, something that is not noted anywhere in the current Constitution and the Books of Laws at Large. The Acreau Times believes the relevant section of the constitution is (Article III, Section B, Pgh. 2) which is below. Senator Julien has also argued that “Youcan’t justappoint them randomley without a vote”.

Senators will be nominated from the House of Representatives and approved by the Office of the Vice President. They may serve terms of time not exceeding three months.

VP Mewarmy’s defence

Senator KingJulien has been declared Not Guilty by Supreme Justiciar Oreo365 “ because he was doing what was best for the country”.

Speaker Blackbird58 has argued that “If the VP illegally appointed a senator then that role should be removed following a court case”, and that the Judiciary should be removing roles. Glaad1234 has had a Senator role re-instated for now.

The cases against Vice President Mewarmy and President Flerpus has led to Impeachment Inquires into them three days before the election. The required Inquiry period is 5 days, leading to the required mass vote to be 2 days into the voting period for the September Elections. VP Mewarmy is not a candidate for either Vice President or President for the next election right now, so the Inquiry may be dropped in favour of a court case at the conclusion of his term. However President Flerpus is re-contesting, and may be thrown out of the September race mid-election, however there is no precedence or relevant laws to refer to for this hypothetical situation.

Justiciar accused of Treason

Senator Julien’s charges against Tahis9.

Justiciar Tahis9 has been alleged to have committed Treason by Senator KingJulien. The creation of an Inquiry into Justiciar Tahis is pending.

Vrass Head of Court elected

Vrass’ President of the Court ElfKingAnte has been recently been elected.


With the recent formation of the Democratic Union Party channel, the Acreau Times has heard whispers of a possible anti-DGMP alliance with the Commewist, Democracy and Progressive Union parties potentially rallying against the DGMP.


Suing Season is Back. Justiciar Tahis has been sued again by KingJulien, and Flerpus is for once not one of the suers, but an accused. The repeated cycle of bimonthly suing seasons is worrying.

What is also worrying is the blocking of the anti limboing E.O. by KingJulien and DGMP, which would close a potential loophole for a President to make Dictatorial decisions.


