Acreau Times (September #1)

Tahis Low
2 min readSep 1, 2019

Reporting the news of Acreau

The September Election has begun and you can vote in #voting-booth.

Campaigning during the voting period is now legal per an E.O.

Candidates of the August Election


The incumbent President Flerpus, otherwise known as The Un-Garbage Man, is rerunning on the same platform of continued Government Reform and Server Revival. Flerpus intends on attempting to unite the three major parties to pass a Constitution which his government has worked on this term. He has also asked the population to invite people to the server. Flerpus leads the new Democratic Union Party, a fusion of the former Progressive Union and Democracy Parties. Flerpus plans retaining his cabinet with Arbiter being his new Vice President.


The leader of the Dark-Grey Merchandise Party, the party that has swept the server into a storm of activity. Glaad1234 enters the race on the platform of Equality, Action, Bosco sticks and Constitutional rework. He intends on simplifying processes and ranks for a easier transition process for new members. He also plans on exploring the possibility of advertising Acreau in other servers and presenting the server as a way to introduce people to how IRL politics works. His proposed cabinet includes Commando98 being Secretary of reform, Bread being Secretary of social affairs and international relations, TheLittleSparty being Secretary of maintenance and the appointment of Blackbird58 as Vice President.

Acreau Times Galaxy Poll

The Acreau Times conducted a Galaxy Poll on the 27th and 28th of August before the creation of the DUP. Flerpus held 50% of the two candidate preferred with 33% of surveyees being undecided. 67% of surveyees approved of Flerpus’ Presidency with 67% candidates unsure about Glaad’s candidacy. The raw results are here.


