Acreau Times (September #3)

Tahis Low
2 min readSep 18, 2019

Reporting the news of Acreau and abroad

Animalist Party Formed

Senator Glaad1234 has created the Original Warmongering Ostriches (OWO) Party to fight for the Ostriches and Emus of the world, and to keep the server active. They also intend to consolidate and create diplomatic relations with other servers. Ex-President Flerpus and long time Independent Maxie have joined the OWO party.

Memeria Submits, Vrass Locks Down

The United Democracy of Memeria has surrendered to the Orden des Wolfsengels, a group of bullies and Discord terrorists who threaten to hack members of Political Servers, unless they turn over the server to them. Representative TheLittleSparty rebelled against the takeover in Memeria, and has helped form “Free Memeria”, a home for The United Democracy of Memeria Exile Government.

The terrorists had word that Sparty also resided in the Country of Vrass. In response, the government of Vrass decided to limit the ability of people in Vrass to invite people to only their administration staff. Acreau-Vrass diplomatic relations has not been affected at this time.

President of Vrass Annui Naur’s statement

High Justiciar Oreo365 has urged calm and has stated that anyone who fearmongers in Acreau is liable to be taken to Court.

High Justiciar Oreo365’s Statement

Sparty was also interviewed in an ALA Resistance Radio episode here.


The secondary connection of most Acreauians through The Official Server for the LotR minecraft mod allows us a way to double check identity, something other political servers do not have the luxury to, which allows Acreau to remain open, for now.


